De Grendel MCC Brut 2017 (0,75l)


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Effervescent elegance in a glass – our beautifully balanced Cap Classique, the winner of multiple trophies and awards through the years, consistently sells out before the anticipated release of the next vintage.

Sometimes, a celebration is just for two – you and the bottle – for all other special occasions, sharing is essential as long as the Cap Classique is ice cold and the company invaluable.

Bright straw yellow in colour, with extremely fine streams of bubbles that carry wafts of biscuity richness to the nose, nuanced by fresh citrus aromas with hints of grapefruit peel, before the palate is filled with a delightfully vigorous ‘mousse’ – the explosion of bubbles that gives way to fresh lemon and lime flavours balanced by a lemon-cream richness that ends long and flavourful, with a mineral green apple crispness.

Best enjoyed now, since we have done the aging for you – however, should you wish to keep a few bottles, you can expect the acidity to lower after a few years, resulting in a richer, creamier wine with flavours developing away from citrus and towards pear with increased yeasty aromas.


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