Kleinood Tamboerskloof John Spicer Syrah Rotwein trocken 2013 (0,75l)


Verfügbarkeit: 3 vorrätig

Grundpreis: 97,27  / l

The grapes are hand picked from a select portion of a single vineyard block, hand sorted three times before going into stainless steel fermenters where a combination of state of the art winery technology and old-style winemaking techniques take care of designing this unique, hand crafted wine. Fermented at 26.5oC for 14 days.

15% new-, 35% second- and 50% third fill, for a period of 18 months.

The Tamboerskloof John Spicer Syrah 2013 is structured and balanced, has a garnet colour with a magenta rim and a deep intensity. The nose develops with medium, but pronounced intensity, showing pure ripe plum, maraschino cherries, mixed spice, cedar and cinnamon.

John Spicer Syrah is named after our first-born child and only son. His names, as Katharien’s, are family names. His paternal grandfather was John de Villiers while Spicer goes back further to a maternal great uncle, Henry Spicer Daniels.

The wine pairs well with red meat and game flavoured with herbs, berry coulis or smokey spices as well as sweeter dishes of pork, duck or spiced Asian styled dishes accompanied by plum sauces.

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